InDread Cold

Illusory Words of Goodbye

InDread Cold

Above the black crystal of the night the stars are sparkling 
Under the breathe of wind humming fearfully 
I hear the mourning psalms of saying goodbye 
In a steal void of heaven there is a gloom of doubts 
The world has judged me 
Everything was just a dream 
In nothingness nothing does not becomes nothing 
I sneer at mourning of fading stars 
In thunders and wind they rage 
In thunders and wind they die 
In gloom and cold they rise 
In gloom and cold they go silent 
Have you courage to scream 
Have you love for the others 
Have you longing for the truth 
Have you strength to desire more 
Die the stars melted in cold waves 
Eyes glaze from behind the fog of useless tears 
In your heart reigns an endless dumb night 
You get stoned in the fire of painful cry