
The Curtain That Will Never Fall


Shivering down your spine
Awareness comes to life
Like opening eyes anew
This world is so demented to you

Can you feel it once again?
Pouring now throughout your brain
See how far we have come
Not knowing the answers we don't

We should have asked ourselves before
We should have known it from the start
Our only tool to apprehend the orb
Has flawS our minds turn on their own

Nothing is certain you know?
Now that you realize that doubt crafted it all

The ending that never had start

Despite all the noise on your mind
A sound can clearly be heard
A song that carries forever on
The eternal ticking of time

And then you wonder again
How can there be ever an end
To something that measures outright
Whatever exists while it passes by

And meaning escapes from your soul
As minutes, while dancing, go on

The meaning escapes from your soul
And minutes, while dancing, go on
The dream we will never awake from

There's no escape from it all
You'll wander about on the stage
The curtain that will never fall
For forever days will remain
The dream will go on
And we will never awake

The only thing certain in life
But as long as you are by my side
I will have a reason to stay