Indigo Girls

Wild Wild Party In The Loquat Tree

Indigo Girls

Tom: C

INTRO:  G  Dm(4)  G  Dm(4)  G     G  Dm(4)  G  Dm(4)  G
Out in the back by the grape stake fence
                              Dm(4)   C(2)
Is a place where nature makes so much sense
All the creatures livin' in harmony
                               Dm(4)  C(2)
It's a wild, wild party in the loquat tree
Fuzzies and furries run, walk, or fly
                         Dm(4)      C(2)
Havin' a feast beneath a clear blue sky
Animals comin' from miles around
                                Dm(4)  C(2)
To bounce the branch, shake the loquat down
    G                                              Dm(4)
The squirrel and the sparrow and the mouse and the bee
    G                     Dm(4)  C(2)  G
All havin' a party in the lo  -  quat  tree
G                                    Dm(4)
Eatin' all the yellow fruit they can see
       G                       Dm(4)  C(2)  G
It's a wild, wild party in the lo  -  quat tree
C                               F           C
Peckin' at 'em, pickin' at 'em, hidin' 'em away
G                   Dm(4) C(2) G
Savin' 'em up for a rai - ny   day
   C                         F   C
No matter how big, no matter how small
        G                         Dm(4)  C(2) G
There's more than enough, there's plenty for  all
    G                                              Dm(4)
The squirrel and the sparrow and the mouse and the bee
    G                     Dm(4)  C(2)  G
All havin' a party in the lo  -  quat  tree
G                                    Dm(4)
Eatin' all the yellow fruit they can see
       G                       Dm(4)  C(2)  G
It's a wild, wild party in the lo  -  quat tree
G               Dm(4)
Chatter, chirp, squeak, bzzz
G                    Dm(4) G
Chatter, chirp, squeak, bzzz
G               Dm(4)
Chatter, chirp, squeak, bzzz
G                    Dm(4) G
Chatter, chirp, squeak, bzzz
Every little loquat holds the seed
                     Dm(4)  C(2)
For a brand new baby loquat tree
One o' these seeds may find its way
                           Dm(4)    C(2)
To a place in the sun, and then someday
    G                                              Dm(4)
The squirrel and the sparrow and the mouse and the bee
    G                     Dm(4)  C(2)  G
All havin' a party in the lo  -  quat  tree
G                                    Dm(4)
Eatin' all the yellow fruit they can see
       G                       Dm(4)  C(2)  G
It's a wild, wild party in the lo  -  quat tree
AM & EM: The squirrel and the sparrow and the mouse and the bee
AM & EM: All havin' a party in the loquat tree
AM & EM: Eatin' all the yellow fruit they can see
     AM: Eatin'    all    the    yellow     fruit
AM & EM: It's a wild, wild party in the loquat tree
     AM: Eatin'    all      the    yellow     fruit
(w/ vibra slap)
AM & EM: The squirrel and the sparrow and the mouse and the bee
     AM: Eatin'        all       the        yellow        fruit
     EM: Ha           -          vin'          a          party
AM & EM: All havin' a party in the loquat tree
     AM: Eatin'   all    the   yellow    fruit
     EM: In              the              tree
AM & EM: Eatin' all the yellow fruit they can see
     AM: Eatin'    all    the    yellow     fruit
     EM: Ha   -    vin'          a          party
AM & EM: It's a wild, wild party in the loquat tree
     AM: In                 the         loquat tree
     EM: In                 the         loquat tree
G               Dm(4)
Chatter, chirp, squeak, bzzz
G                              Dm(4)  C(2)  G
It's a wild, wild party in the lo  -  quat tree
G               Dm(4)
Chatter, chirp, squeak, bzzz
G                              Dm(4)  C(2)  G
It's a wild, wild party in the lo  -  quat tree
CHORDS:       6 5 4 3 2 1
C             x 3 2 0 1 0
C(2)          x 3 2 0 3 3
Dm(4)         x x 3 2 3 3 
F             1 3 3 2 1 1 
G             3 2 0 0 3 3 
Vibra slap arranged for guitar:
E|----------------------------|------------------------14--| D PEAT
Main guitar riff:
G            Dm(4)        G         Dm(4) G
G|-------------------------|-------------2--0---------------| D PEAT
E|3--33-3/5----------------| 3--33-3/5-------3---------------