Follow me to the emnity. C'mon. I'm not so easy. I'm not so clean. The pressure debilitates. The plain stim of death. Follow me to the emnity. C'mon. I will take you now. Follow me to the emnity. C'mon. Let us sacrifice. Follow me to the emnity. C'mon. I will take you now. Follow me to the emnity. C'mon. Let us sacrifice. I said I will call again. Stay aside. Stay away from me. She knows the way how to paralyze. I'm in love with a pagan, the goddess. The humans and the beast of prey, they humiliate our breed. The humans and the beast of a prey, humiliate our breed The humans and the beast of a prey, the humiliations of this breed. She's wearing a mask. A mask made of my flesh. Obey the screen, and electronic gods. Waste your life awaiting me. You laugh like a psycho, and nod your head to the TV. Are you really alive, are you still breathing I'm not unconscious. I have these hands. I hope you can feint me to plain stim of death. Follow me to the emnity. C'mon. I will take you now. Follow me to the emnity. C'mon. Let us sacrifice. Follow me to the emnity. C'mon. I will take you now. Follow me to the emnity. C'mon. Let us sacrifice.