In the museums and in the schools Displays of "primitive" kinds and their tools Primitive because they couldn't stand up to the machine of "civilized" man So we grind their bones up in to dust because they're not like us Dig 'em up and put 'em under glass We're safe now that they're past Exterminate them because we hate them because they won't bow down to our gods Money and science and power and blood Shed as we bulldoze them in to the mud! Fear's the real reason we rape their lands Scared 'cause we can't hope to understand Scared 'cause they don't need our names to be or need what we think makes us free So we try to make them what we are 'cause we've come so far If they resist they die in the name of progress - but we could care less 'cause to us they're not human They might as well be lizards under rocks But did you ever think they don't learn Just because they don't need to be taught our kind of history lesson?!?!