Hankering - is gripping way too tight My body heat - 113 fahrenheit Infuckinsanity - Tries to drag my mind in fight Refuckinality - On point of vanishing from sight A raging thirst - I cannot slake it in my plight My blood disperses - I'm acidifying inside! I disobey the call of receptivity - My body punishes hard - my disloyalty! I can't resist no more - free falling me… (background choir) Ah - close to eternity - Yeah - today i'm alive! Feeling eternity so close Could be my last decisive dose Hearing my curtain call Today i'm alive Hate intends my will To give in to temptation To stop my fall - supply myself With fleeting levitation! I disobey the call of receptivity - My body punnishes hard - my disloyalty! I can't resist no more - free falling me… Feeling eternity so close Could be my last decisive dose Hearing my curtain call Today i'm alive Don't wanna take my final dose - My body feels like comatose I will at last metamorphose My eternal rest so close! Hate! My fucked up hate! I can't resist no more - free falling… Feeling eternity so close Could be my last decisive dose Hearing my curtain call Today i'm alive