In Battle

The Blood Divine

In Battle

Cold winds of death...
Encircled on the moor by the shadows of the dead...
Servants of the pain

Hate breed follow...
Follow the guiding darkness... follow me
Taste the blood divine

The blood divine
Make it rain from the sky
Engulf this world with desire, blood and death

Praise the raining blood
Soil the new rebirth... turn red

A sickening new master plan
A world of chaos... of divine pleasure
Chain me to the pain and show me the abyss
Make me into something that will last

Cold winds of pain...
Race through my flesh with burning rapture
Slice my soul in two...

The blood divine
Make it rain from the sky
Engulf this world with desire, blood and death

Praise the raining blood
Soil of the new rebirth turn red
Praise the burning flesh
Soil of the new rebirth... wither and die