Useless life without Motives to wake up Desolate truck in which I rot. Existence all in doubt Whereto go from now Gutter calls, my final downfall. Foot in the ground, it's sucking me down, No use to struggle it's quick sand. Cursing the day, I went astray, Never again will I be sane. [Chorus] Suck, Fuck Program's clear and simple. Quick buck, I bend down for your dough. Down struck, Life's just a whore and that's all. Suck and fuck off. Sold my soul cheap to pay, Passage at the gate, Raped and robbed as I went my way. Locked inside (a) beaten truck, Stench and oozing muck, Sides close in, forming my coffin. [Chorus] Suck, Fuck Program's clear and simple. Quick buck, I bend down for your dough. Down struck, Life's just a whore and that's all. Suck and fuck off.