Aeternum obscurum dominum glorificate! Satanae atram maletatem glorificate! Bringer of darkness, father of black Messiah of fury, destroyer of gods Wise general of demonic wrath Hold proud the reigns of cabbalistic might Prophet of terror, malevolent tyrant Demonic master, serpent emperor Supreme king of the underworld I bow to you o' majesty eternal!! Sultan of the occult and magical winds Djinns and fairies fear your name Angels shudder, fast to scurry and hide As your legions march war banners high Victorious evil, morbid supremacy Aeons of triumph, your kingdoms' rise Sitting proud on holocaust throne I bow to you o' majesty infernal!! I salute thee dark master satanas Grant me wisdom, strength and power Unleash chaos and diabolical terror Celebrate death and defeat of jehovah...