Wage war! Legionized Battalions forged in blackest hate The casting of demonic baphospells Sodomized By the warlords of blackest death! Bestial cruelty and wrath unfolds, the sign for the kill has arrived Legions march and storm with fury, the law of the saw a sworn allegiance Under shrouds of smoldering blasphemy, wardemons sound their charge From horn to horn and razor jawss, they feast proud on the enemies demise Satanized... satanized Demonized... An undertaken oath for a triumph of hate, a triumph of death Tyrannized Erupted vengeance Purged from hell! Grimmest wars we'll fight to our deaths As long as the cunts alive Conquerors of fire and power Arise! Undamnating purity Butchering the flock of christ Malevolent exterminators Arise! Wardaemonic overkill The carnage has long begun Wardaemonic overkill Creators of hate shall triumph Ravaged by jagged blades of steel Revenge an art so fine Hacking, carving, slaying at will Diseased carrions are mine An endless heinous massacre Baptizing horizons in blood Sempiternal blissful onslaught In hatred I abhorrrently smile Eradicate the enemy, take aim and commence.. strike Weapons of blasphemous combat, engage in eternal fight Horned sentinals of Satan celebrate immolation rites by night Bring on the kaos, embrace all hatred with might Imminent call for decimation Slaughterous Cruel visions of death... by power!