
Pillars of Perversion


What was it did your god destroy with fire and brimstone?
Only Sodom and Gomorrah, that is all but a hoax,
Centuries have turned all to dust, perversion has lived on,
Histories have not come to lie, wanton pleasures of this world

From Bestiality!
Rape the beast...
Penetrate with ease...
From Necrophilia!
The dead aroused...
Celebrate your filth...

Thrusting evil in between, these Pillars we uphold,
Sodom was once city, but now it's this world
Incest, rape and pedophilia, the morals hath reversed,
What more could one ask for, heaven is the earth!

Ejaculate upon the face of innocence,
Violate, Desecrate, Devour their flesh...

Copulate and Procreate...
Our Minions born corrupt,
Breed of Bastards Aplenty
Horns up! We'll ride your slut!
Fornicate and Desecrate,
I do satiate at my will,
Orgies deviant Aplenty
Perverse in sacred art...

These pillars we uphold...