Geathen flames engulf, as demons celebrate Flow of thunderous death, chaos beyond control flock of Jehovah, demolished to a mess Extermination - command! law made flesh Bestial violence, deprivation and unrest Kneel before your master, now face death Goathfather... Exalted Lord Baphomet, Goathfather... Genocidal Saviour Desecration fumes engult, sign of irreverence Icons of fallen gods, decorated in excrement Blessed be Azazel, Emperial Sorreror in black Under one flag, in your name, we launch attack Profane and vulgar, triumphant march in league With devils and demons, Necro troops of blasphemy My hordes of the ancient cult My hordes that rapes and strike Tear down, demolishing all I am the fist of the black god Devourer of angels and souls I tear down, obliterating all Curse! I am the fist of the black emperor Devourer of angels and souls Exhalt!