You are the chosen ones Dubious honor to endure Castigate your beggared homes As filthy and unpure Gorged on dihydrogen-oxide To depollute Your domiciles are sanctified No longer dissolute Awash in discharged fluids Their lungs are now imbued Succumbing to the big drink A poly-chemical stew Tongues are soaked in oil Bowels evacuating gore The future of this ghetto ward On Davy Jones's floor Gale waves unleashed From the levee that we blew We did it all years before Back four-score minus two Drown the poor like rats With our tæniafuge This is the final gasp Give heed to the great deluge [solo: "Unchained Malady" - S.C. McGrath] [solo: "Killing You Swiftly" - Jason Kocol] Corpses swell to burst Drenched down to the bone Survivors left to rot On rooftops all alone Atrophying in the sun They'll expire and putrefy Then destiny is manifest Our spoils are purified