Immortal Bird

Quisquilian Company

Immortal Bird

Ruinous animal
Drag yourself into the sea
Go quietly

Your voice scrapes at my patience

Agonizingly dense
A slow-witted nightmare
Peals of vapid noise
Erupting from a thoughtless hole
Beady-eyed and lurching
From one comfort to the next soft place
Gelatinous and idle

Utterly forgettable
You have cursed
My line of sight

Lumbering into my path
Bleary-eyed and oblivious
Your lack of acuity
No longer astounds me

Sickened by your imbecilic energy
Puerile mess
Creeping in and infecting
What I value
Constant stream of distractions

I can replace you
With a lesser evil
I'll choose to abandon
When you are alone
You can learn something
But I know you won't

Your flaccid mind
Will always struggle
To connect
The simplest pieces