


Some small change, it´s my plea please

1/ Dirt inside nails and smelly breath
Greasy hair and indistinct speech
Shabby clothes and go to seed a body
We will not have wanted work

2/ In the morning, in the night we roll about land
We sludge under the use, with piggish decide
We beg for small change, we have be hungry
Stand later with friend, and drink with him of bottle

RF/ Why do they care about it other
They have work and aren´t lazy

Some small change, it´s my plea please

3/ Always find same fairy tale
Itœ bad luck omly, nobody can´t for nothing
Nobody want nothing of anybody so much
A few small change only, let be light again

4/ Daily agony and boredom are tiring
It isn´t nothing more itœ waiting of death only
You want get some drink, it´s your sens of live
Rob somebody, stand thrashing sometimes

RF/ Why do they care about it other
They have work and aren´t lazy

Some small change, it´s my plea please

5/ Draw near the winter and iced nights
Likes cut destroyed bodies grim reaper
In the sewer is full, and threaten typhoid
Some small change, it´s my plea please

6 / Daily agony and boredom are tiring
It isn´t nothing more itœ expectation of death only
You want get some drink, it´s your sens of live
Rob somebody, stand thrashing sometimes