


Tensions awaken
Leave your ways and count your days
The earth has been shaken

Positions are taken
Grind your axe n raise your flags
We are forsaken

I watch the figures in the clouds
To love you is to see me dying

But how can I trust someone I do not understand
How can I reach for the tips of a burning hand
Suspicion between us
Is what will defeat us
The beast in the flesh is the fear of the underhand

We are the same kin
They will lie and they will grin
Corruption must not win

These are the rulings
Drop your pikes and drop to your knees
Face what's ensuing

They will lie
They will grin
They will lie
They will grin
They will sin

Can I trust someone I do not understand
How can I reach for the tips of a burning hand
Suspicion between us
Is what will defeat us
The beast in the flesh is the fear of the underhand

I've never felt so alone in my skin
I didn't know I had this monster hiding

Here we stand beneath the ether
Bound to our sole desire
Sink our teeth into each other
And drop our souls into the fire

How can I trust someone I do not understand
And how can I reach for the tips of a burning hand
Suspicion between us
Is what will defeat us
The beast in the flesh is the fear of the underhand

Our ashes remember the arguments
The monster will scour the earth for innocence