Veiled among the mighty trees Where hearts are blossoms Two loving souls are cradled By hands of moss and leaves They fill the sparkling forest With music as they pass The sky bleeds blue and red and dark Lying back and counting stars With only one life Even the highest tree Will someday just be A branch on a stream Searching for the sea On a rainy dreary day Names are carved in stone And while they've never met Two won't get washed away I hear the treetops whisper Awakening autumn from it's doze Each fluttering leaf means bliss to me In fragile dance it waves and flows With only one life Even the highest tree Will someday just be A branch on a stream Searching for the sea If this world was made forever And it was charmed by hope and truth Then one day I could pass away In the warmth of an embrace With only one life Even the highest tree Will someday just be A branch on a stream Searching for the sea