kurai daidaīro no taiyō ga mieru heya Termination of my datalink was just commenced kurai kaidan o orita saki reincarnation is slowly coming again I died then call me now fujimi no ko, san kaiten suru norimono coma, more stay away 400000 hiki chū o mau, chō o kurau Amazing, true love is here Link a white carrot, a doll is awaking Amazing, true love is coming aruku rōka no saki Coma is sent to all my relations (you're raped) tōmeina ko uso o haku, te o hanasu ochiru, u, ochiru, u Amazing, true love is here Link a white carrot, a doll is awaking Amazing, true love is coming You should be slain by me now You should be slain and raped for me You should be slain by me now You should be slain Dislinking of white carrot, white carrot, revolve Amazing, true love is here Link a white carrot, a doll is awaking Amazing, true love is coming