
Psychic Murder


Rising through their dreams
like vermin through the cracks
vomit filth around the margins
exale corruption 'gainst sanity

Seize upon the fear, feast upon the weakness
burrowing into their souls like a mental leach
force-feeding suicide

Astral dagger extended
pointed at the soul
extinguishing the spark of life
as enemies fall to terror and death
condemned to mental mockery

Come I shall command:
"Thou shall know no carress but mine
and burn for it all thy days"
On waking compelled, yet knowing not why
Some I shall ves with mighty terrors
so no comfort shall they know

Telepathic mastery and shamanic curses
my rage a cosmic remedy
proclaim the affirmation of hate-filled verses
time is now your worst enemy

Building a throne of the dreams
of a multitude, and reigning a subconcious realm
Astral assasin
Psychic murder