(Amu) Amus are beige with some blue on the top of their (Head) They try to talk to invisible gods and they float Levitate quietly gathering hoops and they (Make) Statues to pray to for vegetables far-away (Amu) Mu- mu- mu (Amu) Mu- mu- mu Building antennaes with bricks made of magnets They drift and drop Beaming up messages trying to ask for fruit from gods Yemmo are fast and (They steal) Hoops from the Amus And then they zip away And shoot lime colour vapour They have big shifting pupils And poles on their heads Grey colour bodies that whirr & then dash & then dip Amu (mu mu mu) Yemmo (mo mo mo) Beaming prayers from coral structures (Shrines) (Transmit) Placing Discs on Plastic Altars Voids can link Yemmo are fast and (They steal) Hoops from the Amus And then they zip away And shoot lime colour vapour They have big shifting pupils And poles on their heads Grey colour bodies that whirr & then dash & then dip