
What If?


Here's how it starts
And here's how it ends
Two different hearts
Maybe lovers or friends

No one knows the ways the long road bends

Once every day your life starts again
No one can say just how or just when
Somehow the world turns inside out and then

And then
What if?
what if you wonder?
What if?
what if?

What if I always belonged in the city the moves me the people who thrill me?
The marriage the mortgage I left them behind me before they could kill me
The plan was just perfect courageous and daring to start my life new
And I look at this morning and it moves me to say "Oh my god what the hell did I do?"

I can do this - I know I just need to take care
I'm smart, self sufficient and hyper aware
Cuz I'm flirting with forty there's no time to wait
And I can't help but feel I'm already too late

Tell me what if I'm bound for disaster,
What if I fall off a cliff?
Will I ever just learn how to live and not wonder what if?
What if?

Do I go there with Lucas or stay here with Kate?
Why do I do this? obsess and debate?
I've been prudent and cautious for all my life long
And most of my choices turn out to be wrong

Tell me how could this make any difference
How could it matter at all?
How do I make such a major event
out of something so small?

Once every day your life starts again
No one can say just how or just when
Somehow the world turns inside out
and then

And then
What if?
what if you wonder?
What if?
what if?

See each choice that you make as kind of a loss
Each turn that you take each coin that you toss
You lose all the choices you don't get to make
You wonder about all the turns you don't take

And so what if I've gone there with Lucas?
And then what if I'd answered that phone?
Think of all of the things you'd have done
If only you'd known

Here's how it starts
And here's how it ends

What if I'd gone there with Lucas?

Two different roads
And how each one bends

What if I stayed there with Kate?

And then
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if I knew?
what will I do?

What if I choose will I change things forever?
If I leap will I fall of a cliff?
If you choose then there's no turning back
no turning back
no turning back
And you wonder what if?
What if?