"Shotgun," it rings out of the sordid lungs of a son that never could believe in something. Create your own damn rules, admonish what is thought as cool reiterate what still means nothing. When you look inside Do you like what you see? Try, but your bias blinds you eyes because that's you. Childlike, you are a boy, a boy that couldn't understand, and you remain, you go nowhere. Escape this predicament, Observe your own eternal Lent, and fast to prove that you just don't care. When you look inside Do you like what you see? Cry, shut yourself inside for sorrow. YOU! You never see don't look to you don't look to me. YOU! You'll never know I'd hate to say I told you so or lie...but it's time to move on. When you look inside Do you like what you see? Cry, shut yourself inside for sorrow. YOU! You never see don't look to you don't look to me. YOU! You'll never know I'd hate to say I told you so or lie...but it's time to move on. You're this hideous, sold, aberration that never looks, that turns the other way, Codependent, despondent, disconnected; a life a part, a fabricated lie. It's time to move on.