And there was disapproval; it shone in your eyes A silent contempt your voice struggled to disguise Deceitful; our backs displayed for you-stab away I've looked into your eyes and seen such cruel expanses Four unforgiving years that I won't soon get back from you Not one regret now from you… And we were penitent though at heart we still believed Confining, compliant clay molded in your scheme Defenseless; blinded, betrayed by you-stab away I've looked into your eyes and seen such cruel expanses Four unforgiving years that I won't soon get back from you Not one regret now from you… Underhanded, spiteful, vindictive, calculated Genuflect for her son and become what you hated I have worshipped every God I ever knew Every stone I ever threw into your empty well- And I heard the echoes and what they said to me Was mine alone and so… I've looked into your eyes and seen such cruel expanses Four unforgiving years that I won't soon get back from you Not one regret now from you… Underhanded, spiteful, vindictive, calculated Genuflect for her son and become what you hated