Human rights for it and me said the PHD at MIT We're giving them an equal worth, they not of the earth or human birth They think, conduct, transmit and feel these men of steel, this hyper-real Their sole agenda to survive and stay alive and thrive and thrive in 2093 Whoa! "Our machines are disturbingly lively, we, ourselves, frighteningly inert" (Donna Haraway, A Manifesto for Cyborgs) Create a sturdy human shape with mouths agape like evolved from apes Concise, efficient are their means, more so it seems than human beings They'll start with tasks no man desires and never tire while fighting fires When these jobs fill we'll find them more and don't get sore when they take yours in 2093 Whoa! "Our machines are disturbingly lively, we, ourselves, frighteningly inert" If God is dead this proves it, soulless robots inherit the earth We are so damned dependent and from here it only will get worse Who's that you were talking to? I swear it looked just like you What's that down in the basement, Could it be your replacement? What's that that's coming at cha, Human or simulacra? Robots sleep in robot beds have robot dreams in robot heads Rights for life, free-will, forethought, but please, no rights for robots!