Unfit, unknown mine hidden, bound and fading and Wilfred Owen (betrayed) his bloodied, gypped and hating one of his for all of mine seems fair by my own standards and yet he ran from ditch to trench 'til bullets knocked him backwards --we live uninspired Die, trenched red in Prussian wasteland Die, undue and undeserved end derived, doomed mine borrowed, bland, sporadic John Keats consumed (betrayed) his melancholic, tragic wakened on a cold hill side, deserted without pity a crimsoned handkerchief divulge a death in Caesar's city --we live uninspired Die, a jar of ink unopened Die, undue and undeserved end Die, both twenty-five exhausted Die, entombed in Christian mounds-bereft, too young, a jealous, shameless theft Rise…