Me, I've been climbing a giant Now I fear for the cold wind to come All the ladders I brought They are laughing at me Throwing splinters at the shoulder I'm on And my trousers's been torn by the elbows I've been spending a year upside down Waving my arms trying to reach for the ground Hoping for a leash to be found Tell me you're lying For no heat here is rising off And don't go waltzing a canary bird When a crow clings to your throat Now, the stray dog is selling his owner I see te bird's built a cage in his nest For noone believes in a fallen log Who says everyone around me is gone And the wind-up man is planting a railroad Now he waits for a ladder to grow Just to catch all them birdchirping sundays he's lost And to rise above the barking of dogs So tell me you're lying For no heat here is rising off And don't go waltzing a canary bird When a crow clings to your throat And every morning the kid in the corner, I see her tie up her shoes to her hands Just to save up some traces from walking and then Trade them for handfuls of grain