When water is pouring in and all the rats are jumping ship Beware the hanged man' stare 'coz he was there as you are here on the edge Sacrifice a victory, renounce and you will gain See loss from a new perspective, insanity makes sane Receive control by letting go, move fourth by standing still Free your false securities, rise above this hill The wisdom of the hanged man. Complex. Simple Mysterious and open, when visiting the edge Use him as a dredge to deepen shallow waters, a wedge to force a way Chanting on a lie will not make it true one day Surrender to higher wisdom, reverse and you'll advance Navigate your naked soul, contentment gives a trance Erase your grip and calm your waters, take time now just to be Cut the anchor that pulls you under Loose the noose, now you are free The wisdom of the hanged man. Complex. Simple Mysterious and open. When you walk the blade You must learn the trade Shark infested waters carry you to open sea From darkened skies the sun arise you equalize as dead weight vaporize When your ship comes in one day When planks click into place The lessons learnt will shine in you The glory on once burnt Pass the tale of rats at sea Be sure to get it straight When you hang in Odin's tree The runes received are never ever free