
Oh Winter Morning


A fall immaculate,
Like the frozen tears of a broken god
She thought they were all hers alone
Sure there is no more warmth inside
She went outside to feel the wind
Nature showed off her finest today
So beautiful is her white gown
Everything else just fades away

Oh Winter morning
Steal her heart and freeze it within your hand
Oh Winter morning
She is your princess unborn
Unaware of the tempest raging
Oh Winter morning
Bury her under the snows
And prepare for the coming storm

The Sun being no cheer at all
Pale, livid, empty just like her
The day is dull and grey
She feels safe before this mirror
Sadly she can't evade the scars
A wound so far from healing
Beware, such a cold glass heart
Is at a drop from shattering

One with the snow deep
She whispers a last sigh
From her frozen heart denied
Lost to a world asleep

Oh Winter morning
Steal her heart and freeze it within your hand
Oh Winter morning
She is your princess unborn
Unaware of the tempest raging
Oh Winter morning
Bury her under the snows
And prepare for the coming storm