Iced Warm

Holy Ordeal

Iced Warm

Judex damnatur, ubi nocens absolvitur !!!
Crimen est turpe et apud omnes habetur !!!

Today, in first day of November of Thirteen Forty-one
Ordeal of Holly inquisition
Presumes a guilty of this woman
In deadly sins against our God & Holy Church
Her heart was black & full of sin
In a name of God, she will die in suffering
The holly fire will burn away her body & soul

Crimen certum
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

When last moon arise
Over my closed eyes
Throe of death I will
Hide under veil
After my doomed name
Written in book of death
Voices from past
Will come to me

God, I hear the steps
They coming closer
Frightful, dark silhouettes
In morning light...

Blear shadows curls by my side
And fateful moon as devil eye
Beauty like a flower that will fade away forever
Queen will die so young and fair
Misery hath closed your face
Sword of king can't fight the fate
Earth still holds open her gate...

I am sick; I will die
Mount me unto the sky
I could do it as well
But bells cry
Welcome hell!!!
Welcome hell!!!

To Kingdome Come
Air grows thick & cold

Darkening light
Scream in the night
Farewell earth's bliss and
Demise full swift goes by
And my mortal clay
Dissolving in flame
And coming into never-ending reign
The laughter grows silence out
I'm fallin' down
Into the dark...


Not so direful night
But silence embitters me
It's my downfall
I see the man
He has no face
Under his mask
Like in the grotesque
He killing my faith
In every thought
In my dreams of God
Bible mistakes me in every word
Through my fear he reading my soul
Hell & heaven're the same...

Find you shelter in my Kingdome
You never felt before	this heady feeling of the delight & satisfaction

Words out of his lips spoken
Back me to the past,
Moment of my song broken…

Where I'm
I've asked him
And silence answered to me
You're in hell
Who are you?
Tell me your name
And he's whispered to me
You know it well...
And I was there
When plague rise over the world
And I could see
You denounced me
And was so blind to see
I was there all the time
I've follow your steps
In plague dress
In ordeal & death
Hell is drowning in tears
Of tormented souls
But the sun rising up
Bells of heaven deafening tolls
They tolls... They tolls
And twilight backs down & falls
It falls... It falls...
In pacify holly songs...
My words are only saint
But others are sin
And all falling angels are dead dethroned
Crucified on the cross of belief & truth
By Master
By me
By God…
No curdled blood on crosses
And nails never rusts in them
My epilogue - same kind of love
And your prologue - same kind of death
The world of war
Of pain, of lie, of vice
The mirror of your souls -
The Christ in resignation
He knew his fate
He's dead, remember it...
But you will try again...
Fling down all gravens in to the dark
And in denouement
You'll find a truth
That's my dictate, let it be done!!!