Tom: A A Jaquima to freno He's an old vaquero From another time Hands as fine as the D Dealers of Reno He's been to the ocean He's been to the sea A Big long tapaderos hangin' both sides Of an old Visalia tree Chorus 1: E A E Hey Mr. Vaquero D Put a handle on my pony for me C# Teach me the mystery Verse 2: A Jaquima to freno He's an old Amansador Still hangin' on Just about gone Like the California Condor D He been down to the rodear ground Seen him on the movie screen A Ah but sometimes I think he's like America Only see him in your dreams (repeat chorus 1) Chorus 2: C# E Did they sing all day C# Did they dance all night E Did they ride their spade bit ponies C# Through the golden light E Did they find true love C# Was it all a bunch of lies E A Quien sabe, maybe it was paradise (repeat first verse, choruses 1 and 2 in that order)