Ian Matthews


Ian Matthews

I don't know if I believe in heroes 
Or if I'd choose to call good fortune luck 
Every chance encounter has a reason 
and every dirty deed goes in the book 

I don't know if passion is a virtue 
Or put there by the long arm of the law 
I don't think I'd ever mean to hurt you 
Though honestly, I couldn't say for sure 

How do you fight what you can't attack 
when one hand's tied behind your back 
and you can't distinguish white from black no more 
When the laws of probability 
say, chances are you never see 
where life turns into being a full scale war 

Now I don't know if you are easily frightened 
by circumstances away beyond control 
Have you ever really stopped to wonder 
how many times we've all been bought and sold 

How do you fight what you can't attack 
when one hand's tied behind your back 
and you can't distinguish white from black no more 
When the laws of probability 
say, chances are you never see 
where life turns into being a full scale war 

I don't know if you believe in heroes 
when you're messing with the matters of the heart 
This is not the way I would have planned it 
but this is not the end, it's just the start 

I don't know if I believe in heroes