Trust is a must Trust is a must Trust is a must You must have trust Trust is a must Trust is a must Trust is a must You must have trust Frisco! Beans in your jeans Beans in your jeans Beans in your jeans Your jeans have beans Luck is a duck Luck is a duck Luck is a duck Well, love a duck A hug is not smug A hug is not smug A hug is not smug If you don't know, now Escape is a jape Escape is a jape Escape is a jape Keep your japes in shape Hope helps you cope Hope helps you cope Hope helps you cope You can cope with hope Frisco friends! Friends are the trend Friends are the trend Friends are the trend The trend is friends Trust is a must Trust is a must Trust is a must You must have trust Trust is a must Trust is a must Trust is a must You must have trust Now guitar Frisco! Drums please Frisco! Space is a grace Space is a grace Space is a grace Get your face in space Time is sublime Time is sublime Time is sublime A rhyme of time Yes is the best Yes is the best Yes is the best The best is yes No Frisco! Trust is a must Trust is a must Trust is a must You must have trust