


We’ve waited for you
For the one who was meant to come
Brighter than the night, shinning like a star

We've waited in you
For the one who is yet to come
We have filled our lamps, soon the bridegroom comes

Jesus Messiah, son of the living God
Beauty of heaven
We worship you

Jesus messiah king of all glory, crucified
We worship you

I will pour out my heart to you
I'll give you my praise
I'll give you my worship

Pour out my heart to you, forever
You are my savior

Jesus Messiah, son of the living God
Beauty of heaven
We worship you

Jesus messiah king of all glory, crucified
We worship you

Jesus Messiah, son of the living God
Beauty of heaven
We worship you

Jesus messiah king of all glory, crucified
We worship you

The brightest star in the night, a light that shines in the dark
You are, Jesus Messiah

The one who conquered it all
You are, the way, the truth, the life
You are my savior

The one who is seated on the throne
The one who was and is to come
King of all glory

You are
You are
You are
King of all glory

You are
You are
You are
King of all glory

Jesus Messiah, son of the living God
Beauty of heaven
We worship you

Jesus messiah king of all glory, crucified
We worship you

Jesus Messiah, son of the living God
Beauty of heaven
We worship you

Jesus messiah king of all glory, crucified
We worship you

I will shout till the whole world hears Your name

Jesus, Messiah

Jesus, Messiah