Arguments inside my head The weight of which I can’t contain Pour me to the ground Into a world I’ve found These Hallways Like a mouse’s home inside the walls of my state How could I have ever painted this as only me When you reside here too I truly am infatuated with myself, girl The forest falls apart inside these eyes Of your sister that I used to hold in mine Is she writing to me now or am I truly all alone Who could say when these voices never refrain No no Nobody heard me die except for you (No one, No one) No one saw me bending over No one held my falling hair No one could make out the words sung as I drown above air Pages of fiction dress us in the finest blue, lucid dreaming How could I meet them there? When they don’t even live here now A ghost inside my head playing tricks on me While best described and summarized in gender neutral terms Shaving off birthmarks and documenting little things It’s all in the self care Masquerade my body and hold me down, apply the paint Dye the colors in my eyes to reflect the light I find Inside the halls of someone else, bpd left on the shelf Ignored just long enough for us to forget how to cope Communication, love and trust Unlearn them all when talking to myself Nobody’s writing my fucking book I’ll pour the ink through my own two hands Take the mask off Burn the mask off