Carve these visions into rare stones, Cause we are striving There's not a boundary that limits us Upon the earth, across the seas Painting our legacies, a vivid color scheme To war against this massacre Of mirrors gazing past lacerations Feel the power shifting yielding our transformation Burn with a renewed opposition of hypocrisy The light has finally dawned Into the cornors of our captivity In these horizons where my Dreams have long called home Enslaved in my weakness no furthermore Cause I have settled to cut from the circuit Of my own resentment I'm building back from where I started As gravity loses hold upon our newfound path I'm listening for your every whisper To answer the call to this endeavor So that I may freely breathe again Just breathe in the reassurence Of a grace that's set before us Regarding nothing of a vain conformance I was built for a purpose To stand by your promise I will fight And give my life to what's costly counting And I won't dare to watch this backfire In the essence alone of every inadequacy we've known yeah But there is just no stopping a willing servant Fully devoid of any fear as he continues to seek this throne. So give your best blow Cause there is not a change in The world that you can take our dreams. Even the son of man had never known a place Where he could lay his precious head. And nevermore shall I until my journey has taken Its final passing breath. Salt of the earth Rise up and use everything that you've been given. For the betterment of anyone reached Set apart and easily driven to say. We are, we are the ones left standing Through the trials because of the love we've shown Now proclaim the cause of your visions, Storm the tattered gates of all other realms, Guided to our breakthrough, Stand and declare these worlds: I will be free