I have choked on rotten remedies With livid eyes they watch you squirm in a chemical cage A lullaby of horrid melodies I rage against the night and tear free To devour the carniverous Downstream from the guillotine More fuel for the animus Run down, and delivered to the soil Hear the hollow prayers of godless whores As the harlet shreds her face Reclaim the flesh she stained with disgrace Let the lepers have what remains Cull the degenerate strain How many crimes can fit upon a throne? I lie alone, in wait below You’re swallowed whole in empyrean form And spat out as bones Another king to the reckoning Another weed in the garden of the machine Laid to rest in the cinder Your drain spits back the waste Color me with madness and title me insane An image more alive than your degenerate strain Hear the hollow prayers of godless whores As the harlet shreds her face Reclaim the flesh she stained with disgrace Let the lepers have what remains Reaching out of bounds Down low Face first in the gutter where you were born So, take a breath of the contagion Down low Face first in the gutter where you were born Now, your drain spits back the waste Down low, hollow Eerie glow the ember in my brain The wretched and the vain Down low, hollow Eerie glow the ember in my brain Let lepers have what remains Eerie glow the ember in my brain Cull the degenerate strain