As we stand at the twilight Of the post-Westfaldic world So descends the Machiavelian night As her conjurers act undeterred These are the crossroads for this earth set on fire These are foundations of a world wide funeral pyre It is a nail in the eye of reason Rationality usurped by rage Her agitators herald this season The dawning of a new age Break the glasshouse Shatter its broken shards Pax Europa set aflame Her ideals burned and charred Crumble the ivory towers Drink from the well of truth Settle the dust from the ruins As dawns the age of brutes Bereft of civilization As madness sweeps nations The true essence of man lies revealed Ridden of humanity His nature broken free Once hidden away, once sealed That which was controlled and subdued So shall it be nevermore Nevermore In the ancient scrolls of history Blood red from war and strife Brittle pages reveal those mysteries Struggle is the core of all life Break the hold of icons Before the collision of austere rivals Laugh at the pitiful fool That succumbs to worthless idols Banish the voices of the timid Pave the way for a vicious youth Declare war unto the foe As dawns the age of brutes From desolate battlefields Where the eastern Ceaesar yields To a stained creed smeared in blood To the fronts of the west Where the eagle cast from his crest Sees his sons buried in the foxholes mud That which has been freed and unleashed Free it shall be forevermore Forevermore Claim the masses, millions multitudes Resurrect the souls of a thousand feuds Gather the hosts and weapon mankind Brethren prepare, these are the end times