Hear of a tale a thosand skalds would sing How an eastern army came to claim the west How all cities rallied under the Spartan king For in battle his people eclipsed the rest We must defend Hellas from the Persian hordes For even if I shall not prevail through the fray By will and blood, by our spears and swords We shall meet them at the pass of Thermopylae And at the passage of the fiery gates Twas but a twin chariot broad By rock and sea, a fortress in faith The enemy nation gathered awed The Spartans so prepared to fight until the end Their courage ever unrivalled in myth and legend A Malian son spoke unto Dienekes of Sparta Concerned of a great fear of the Persian archer "Their numbers are innumerable is it not best to run?" "Their arrows are so many, they will cover the sun" To this Dienekes laughed and answered unafraid "Good, then we will have our battle in the shade" The armies below formed and charged the assault And so began the ferocious battle of Thermopylae There the massive Persian attack came to a halt For there would be no Sparta surrender on that day King Xerxes threw his heroes the immortal ones Against the Spartan wall that would not break His empires finest, their ranks became undone Succumbing at the hands of the warrior state As the Spartans had victory within their reach By their own hellenian blood they were betrayed Their stregth corrupted, the stronghold breached So began the end of the resistance at Thermopylae Ephialtes oh accursed name Thou shall live on in infinity Thou art traitor thou art shame Thus is your poisoned legacy "O ye men who dwell in the streets of broad Lacedaemon! Either your gloriuos town shall be sacked by the children of Perseus Or, in exchange, must all through the whole Laconian country Mourn for the loss of a king, descendant of great Heracles." Betrayed by their own, facing an imminent defeat The Spartans knew no surrender or no retreat Surrounded by the enemy they formed a last stand That held shield by shield until the last man The warriors spilled blood, broke bone and marrow Until the Persian ordered forth bow and arrow And the sun did darken shying from the mayhem The Spartans fell dead and Leonidas fell with them We fell here for Sparta and her law So carve in stone our epitaph Go tell the Spartans oh passer-by That here by her law we lie