Great white hunters: Protectors of civilization, for what it's worth General Longhair runs this show. Killing redskins is the way to go Hunt and kill them: Squaws and children on reservations For our great nation They call us Long Knives: That is me Because I ride with the U.S.C Malarial graveyards for hunting grounds; life and freedom for burial shrouds Giving out blankets alive with disease; starving the tribes into renegades, thieves Hunt and kill them: Squaws and children on reservations For our great nation They call us Long Knives: That is me Because I ride with the U.S.C Fighting the white man just to survive; trying to strike back against genocide As we ride to wipe them all out: Little Big Horn the battleground Christ, look at them: No squaws and children No reservations for the Sioux nation Decimated, then a lone stand: Me Bound to die with 7.U.S.C