Calmly, go calmly Calmly for a while Go calmly, go calmly Calmly for a while I can feel your breath On the back of my neck Heard your voice on the breeze Go calmly, go calmly Calmly tonight for me Into the dark Oh, oh Into the dark Oh, oh, oh, oh You've got elephant eyes in your head They hold the path to your chest And strain your neck just to see Something bigger than you and me Oh no, I'm left alone Oh no, I stay alone Alone, oh, oh, oh, oh I would never, I would never do that to you Well, you know me, oh I would never, I would never do that to you Well, you know me, oh I would never, I would never do that to you Well, you know me, oh I would never, I could never do that to you, to you