FLAG OF POLAND... RedWhiteNess… See her flapping wildly above everyone's head... MARCHING! - no more time for any questions! MASSES! - there's no place for any difference! GOD IS... FINAL HOPE of FINAL PROMISE... God forgive us... understand us... TIME FOR POLAND! RedWhiteMonsters… See a League of Polish Fantastic Stories! MARCHING! - no more time any questions! MASSES! - there's no place for any difference! GOD IS... FINAL HOPE of FINAL PROMISE... God forgive us... understand us... In my eyes... greedy mass of POWER-HUNGER! Freezing blast... in an army of the black shirts blows! Pallid face... take away all my desire! Trembling hand... to be real I gotta make a FIST! PROUDLY STANDING... TIGHT-LIPPED MONSTERS... Fanfare echoes LOUD... where everything is EMPTY!!! TIME FOR POLAND! REDWHITEWORM! Exclusivity in a market of religion! MARCHING! - no more time any questions! MASSES! - there's no place for any difference! GOD IS... FINAL HOPE of FINAL PROMISE... God forgive us... understand us... In my eyes... greedy mass of POWER-HUNGER! Freezing blast... in an army of the black shirts blows! Pallid face... take away all my desires! Trembling hand... to be real I gotta make a FIST! MARCHING! - no more time for any questions! MASSES! - there's no place for any difference! GOD IS... FINAL HOPE of FINAL PROMISE... God forgive us... understand us... In Your eyes... greedy mass of POWER-HUNGER! Freezing blast... in an army of the black shirts blows! Pallid face... take away all Your desire! Trembling hand... to be real I gotta make a FIST! In my eyes... greedy mass of POWER-HUNGER! Freezing blast... in an army of the black shirts blows! Pallid face... take away all I desire! Trembling hand... to be real I gotta make a FIST...