Hunter x Hunter

Tobira (translation)

Hunter x Hunter

Kurapica: The door that opened before my eyes is a trick, a trap that's pulling me in
Leorio: The door that closes before my eyes is so crowded I don't have any time to get off

Kurapica: An ending that's so different -- it couldn't be, it's too painful
Leorio: You find a path all the way to the sky and suddenly lightning strikes and kills you

Both: Maybe once our emotions overflow
We'll pass through the automatic door

Kurapica: I'm running as fast as I can along the path of learning, my dreams are always and only the color of eyes
Leorio: The landscape is laid bare and screaming because I tell the lies that I have caught

Kurapica: Everyone hates the expected sound of the rain, the world is the sum of unhappiness
Leorio: You find a path to illumination and suddenly lightning strikes and kills you

Both: That's right, it starts when you
Pass through the automatic door

Kurapica: In the time when the birch withers Leorio: dying is transformed
Kurapica: The sensation of dreaming Leorio: as you pass through
Both: And suddenly lightning strikes and kills you

Both: That's right, it starts when you
Pass through the automatic door

Your future...