Hunter x Hunter

Sorezore no Omoi

Hunter x Hunter

Kurapika: A superficial manner  a foolish mind  a money fiend  only that
I wish  he'd be a little more serious but  I take it back
to go on living is to  fight with myself
for the things more important than myself
to become able to fight
there's no reason to understand why I'm with you

Leorio:   Stop joking-- even I have things more important than myself!
Kurapika: You don't!
Leorio:   I do!
Kurapika: Go on, tell me what, then!
Leorio:   My friends!

Leorio:   A superficial manner  a foolish mind  a money fiend  but still
Even I  have things more important than myself
my friends
I don't want to see any more  pals dying or anything like that
There's only one thing more important than myself
not to let one single friend die
there's no reason to understand why I'm with you