Imagination was crawling across the water Across my head-cove Afraid of what sight? It mitigated valor, removed all courage, canceled my progress And left me abashed My walls were rising And I'd not see them until my shadow was three times my size O' how would I get back unscathed and unbroken? Unsure And now, in this moment of paralled focus, we'd hold this trade Deep in the crux of the ocean, she had awoken Behold all her wonder! I cast, did my lie O' would she ever bite to taste the lure? A shaky hand in place for the reel and turn What my reflection turned into denies all of truth and burns My soul? Trapped by mirrors of fire! The flames emanate the lie And the way was shut O' I am festering in misery! Inner-strength's begun to wither The path I walk's been overgrown with vines and thorns Crushing all that grew And strangling my truth til' I am barely breathing I've been doomed Then lightning struck my brow Raining daggers cut me down But I did not let go I never would let go! It cracked the sky I could not, would not, should not be a hero At sudden, breaching from the clouds Another burst of brilliance And in the crashing down, it split my vessel, overturned And holding onto what was left had kept my faith secured My god had shown his hand! And the knives of rain came down And the waves would lurch and swell And any who crossed my way would think me all but sane I cast again and watched it glissade through my fingers Like caterpillars, tremoring outside the comfort of their chrysalis Such metamorphosis took place here tonight