There's a spectre haunting Europe, a spectre yet without a name; those in power have entered an alliance to stop him on his way! So this is what it's all about: tolerance and solidarity - no slave to a greed obsession. I do not own no property, I ain't got no belief, I don't need no ideology - that's why I am free. So this is what it's all about: use your brain to choose your way, don't fall for fast-food philosophy! Open your mind, your eyes your ears, for new ideals and new ideas - don't be afraid to open your mouth: raise your fist, stand up and shout Just use your brain! Spectre Dragon - rise! Spectre Dragon - fly! Spectre Dragon - fight to be free Make a new start for a lost world order, find a new way for a lost world order, use your brain, persecute your aim, stand up and shout for a lost world order Stand up and shout