Human Mincer

The Edge of My perversion

Human Mincer

Calvary, funeral chapel
the suffering because of the loss endures
I wander through paths of confussion
I become lost in alienation, never

Where have you gone? Why?
you won't get away from me
I keep your inert body
death hides your soul
you skin hides the pleasure

The edge of my perversion shines
the glint of the scalpel
will strip of your skin
I'll expose to view your carnality, flesh

Blood still warm is trickling down my hands
your essence, the feel of your uncovered muscles
your skin shed the stink
of flesh, on the tray, dead flesh

I slide into your dead body
a meeting after life
I'm not a necrophiliac
I'm beyond life and death, outside
I'm not a disbalanced person
flesh is flesh, my instinct, my destiny

Obsession, lust
established feelings
sin, blasphemy
what do they mean for us, sister?