Elixirs compensated Technical & chemical Fasting procedures Animal nature New life & running blood "Superstitious" ways Means of medicine Micrograms of deformity I've the power of Transmuting, altering, and restoring me All essence encaged Severe skin disease Pure deformity Undergo detoxification Not a secret for me Superstitious and maniacs Migratorious conceptions Prejudices & the opposition near To a putrid homo erectus His progressive disorder Lying on this waves of blood Intervention randomized The big creature that I am With my liquor cremator Deficiency on defences Disequilibrium Metals, cosmos Substance of our souls Turbulent waves of blood Microbioinoculator destroyed I need to restore it Substance of our souls Turbulent waves of blood Reborn! At the end stages of transformation Purity can't be restored Elixirs compensated Technical & chemical Fasting procedures Animal nature New life & running blood "Superstitious" ways Means of medicine Micrograms of deformity I've the power of Transmuting, altering, and restoring me All essence encaged Severe skin disease Surrounding & shocking time-line