Sale It seems impossible to reach a fair conversation we behave as if we were a glorious nation you, me and the rest of this filthy people a misjudge of the right don't trust no-one act with ignorance modified wiretapping on your mobile phone permanent supervisions has already grown affluent society at the third world expense isn't a absurd vision with no real chance but you believe in your horoscope there is no way out for you grievous dope draw your attention on the price reduction absolute sell-out is the only seduction bury your hopes and your squashy sovereignty for human belongings combined with insanity believe in the adverts and in the progress you have to clear your mind, don't trust no-one act with ignorance modified wiretapping on your mobile phone permanent supervisions has already grown affluent society at the third world expense isn't a absurd vision with no real chance but you believe in your horoscope there is no way out for you grievous dope draw your attention on the price reduction absolute sell-out is the only seduction