Heroes rise and fall, their place in Odin's hall no one can take I feel unbreakable, strong as Thor, because I believe Take my hand and you will see The norns were kind When they chose our destiny They have given us pride Strength and a sharp mind And wisdom to realize That every man dies But few truly live As wolves we are roaming free Unleash that what lives in me Burning, I will rise Heroes follow me Heroes rise and fall, their place in Odin's hall no one can take I feel unbreakable, strong as Thor, because I believe Give me your hand valkyrie And I will try to reach Even if you are too high I know the gods are with me As wolves we are roaming free Unleash that what lives in me Burning, I will rise Heroes follow me Heroes rise and fall, their place in Odin's hall no one can take I feel unbreakable, strong as Thor, because I believe in me