Ritual commence. the ceremony begins Sacrament to secen of seven sins Bearer of light, empower thee with pride Unbroken by the wheel at lucifer's side Rebel son spread to me your greed Mammon bathe where bodies do not seethe Allow my lust keep from fire and burning stone Asmoday my prince bow at your throne Leviathan i worship your envy Warm cold waters that baptize me Beelzebub great liege of he flies If i'm to gorge may not be pests i dine If by wrath i was turn to take avenge Satan not it be a quatering meet my end Belphegor if let to lotus be Allooweth not devoured by serpentine Welcome embrace the evil within Grand accord allowance of sin Announted in infinite than twice As given way the gratis to vice Ritual commence. the ceremony begins Sacrament to seven of seven sins Bearer of light empower thee with pride Unbroken by the wheel at lucifer's side Welcome embrace the evil within Grand accord allowance of sin Anointed in infinite than twice As given way the gratis to vice In tort as text proclaimed by holy word To will one this way is something of absurd Sex and avarice, anger, idleness Excess, jealousy,, pretense and vanity Delight in excess all i can consume God can't pass judgement in the ritual room Carnal abandon reviled in heresy Surfeit abounds before the blasphemy